Here is our personal story. His name was Panque, he was an adorable
little ball of black fur, wheeling around in a doggie wheelchair. In June of
2012, the Evolucion FaceBook post asking for a “forever home” for Panque tugged at our
heartstrings. At the same time, we responded by fully funding a plea by
Evolucion to cover amputation costs for a dog named Paty who had a severely
deformed back leg. A friend and
volunteer offered to bring Panque to us for a meeting; she was certain we would
be perfect parents for the little dog in a wheelchair. However, we continued to
decline this meeting. While reviewing the “Panque” post one more time, I
phoned Silvia Cortes to ask for the address of the foster home where Panque was
staying. The strong order of urine and feces filled the air as I approached the
house and knocked on the iron protector. The door opened and I was greeted by a
dozen or so large dogs and little Panque in his wheelchair. I realized this was
not a “Foster
but rather a location with a hired male worker where dogs were being housed.
Seeing the conditions this little dog was in, I decided to phone Silvia
and let her know I was taking Panque directly to the Veterinarian for
evaluation. We committed to adopt Panque although there were never any adoption
papers. I was unsure what would be found under his feces matted fur. When we
arrived at the clinic, I was surprised the Vet knew Panque, Dr. Tony of Planned
Pethood made it clear to me after his initial examination of Panque for Silvia Cortes
he had informed her his birth defects were untreatable and he should be
euthanized. At my request, Panque was given another exam, grooming and new X-rays.
In my desire to help this dog, it was hard to accept the hopelessness of his
situation. We changed his name to Rico which means “Noble Ruler”. For the next four and a
half months we loved and cared for that sweet little boy. He had no use of his
back legs and required around the clock care. While under the care of Evolucion
he been allowed to drag himself around which had worn the tissue on his legs
down to the bone (in fact the bone was worn flat), being left in the wheelchair
for extended periods of time, the straps had left lesions on his legs. Once he
had the matted coat removed it was obvious he was malnourished. He was
incontinent and slept in diapers. Every time he urinated we removed his dirty
bandages, washed the urine off his legs, dried him and wrapped his legs with
new bandages. We consulted two local veterinarians, one in Cancun and another
at A&M University Veterinary School in Texas about Rico’s condition.
We requested a meeting with Silvia Cortes
and three volunteers of Evolucion. During this meeting, Silvia and the
volunteers agreed Evolucion did not have the facilities, staff or finances to
care for a dog such was Rico. No explanation was offered as to why Silvia had
not followed Dr. Tony’s recommendation. Many ideas for improvement were
discussed. The volunteers and Silvia met later and an outline was created to
implement necessary changes. Records would be kept, and Veterinarians
recommendations would be followed. Dogs to sick too be cared for properly or
were deemed not adoptable would be euthanized. We were assured by Silvia and
the volunteers that changes in Evolucion policy would take place. Rico passed
away with dignity in my arms on October 12, 2012; we were broken hearted.
Amigos de Rico was founded in memory of our little Rico simply to help
dogs. In the last three and a half years we have learned much and have needed
to change many of our original beliefs to be more effective as we faced the
overwhelming task of neglected and abused dogs in Yucatan. The one thing that
has not changed and will remain is our desire to support organizations and
individuals who work tirelessly to improve the lives of dogs in Yucatan.
Paty |
In late October, after Rico’s passing, we inquired about Paty and how she was
getting along following her amputation. We were shocked to discover in the five
months since her procedure had been paid in full she had not yet had the
surgery. We were informed she was underweight and anemic and not strong enough
for the surgery. Rather than care for her anemia, she was neglected and
forgotten. Under Evolucion’s care, she was needlessly forced to drag her deformed
leg an additional five months. We can only speculate what might have happened
had we not checked on her status.
Paty, the day she was brought to Pet Chalet |
At our own expense we requested
Sylvia bring Paty to Pet Chalet a local dog care center, we provided home
cooked food, kibble and iron supplements, and with the commitment from Pet
Chalet we prepared Paty for surgery. In two weeks her weight and anemia improved
and she was able to undergo surgery. A task Evolucion did not accomplish in
five months. We paid for her to rehab after surgery at Pet Chalet. Through all
of this, she remained the property of Evolucion. By this time, we had made a
significant financial investment in the health and welfare of Paty. During the
months Paty was at Pet Chalet our other dog Adie had been diagnosed with
cancer. Adie and I were making frequent trips to a Veterinary Oncologist in
Houston for treatment. It was not an option for us to adopt Paty at that time.
After six months at Pet Chalet and no viable offers for adoption, Paty was
returned to the Evolucion facility a healthy, happy dog!
Paty, before being returned to Evolucion |
On January 22, 2014, I drove to
Evolucion in Uman to meet with Jeff Damon, Dr. Jeff Young and Steve
Goward Of Dogs Trust. Jeff Damon and I were developing a training program for
adoptive dogs. Steve Goward was here on request from Dr. Young to
professionally assess, evaluate and advise the animal shelters on the Yucatan
Peninsula. This was the day he was to evaluate Evolucion.
Upon arrival I asked to see Paty. At that point, she had been back at
Evolucion for seven months. A male worker entered a large oval fenced area with
a concrete pad, and 30 or so large dogs. He brought Paty out of a room attached
to this fenced area. As she labored to come to me, I could see her ribs. I
could see her protruding vertebrae. She had skin lesions. As she raised her
head to smell me, I could see the pain in her eyes. She only took a quick whiff and turned to hobble
back to the room. I gasped at the sight of her missing tail, red, inflamed,
oozing, with the bone exposed. Her thighs were coated in a layer of watery
diarrhea, flies hovering above her. She was in desperate need of immediate
medical attention.

I insisted Sylvia bring Paty out
for Dr. Young to examine (he had performed her amputation), Sylvia did bring
Paty out after my third request, and after she had cleaned off the feces and
bandaged the tail. Sylvia never responded to my questions about what had
happened to her tail or how a dog who had an online sponsorship could be
allowed to get into this kind of shape (we were told by local expat business
owners that they were Paty’s online sponsors). Once
again I found myself rescuing a dog from the rescuer. On the drive to Planned
Pethood, given the shape she was in I was certain euthanasia would be
recommended. She weighed just 20 pounds. However, she had emergency surgery on
her tail that very day. With the exposed bone she was at risk of her spinal cord
being compromised. That fateful day she started the long road to recovery.

After four months, four surgeries, treatment for internal and external
parasites, internal and external bacterial infections, eye infection and
ehrlichiosis, we were able to bring this sweet girl to her new forever home. We
vowed to never allow her to suffer again.
During the time of Paty’s treatment we once again
found ourselves in a meeting with Silvia discussing the neglectful treatment
of a dog under her charge. We asked for Paty’s
records, which we have never received. It was at this meeting which also
included Patricia Holland, when we asked about Paty’s tail, We were told by Silvia that Paty had chewed off
her own tail. Can you imagine the emotional and physical suffering a dog would
be under to perform this kind of self mutilation? Google it, it is quite
disturbing. The last words Ty said to Silvia Cortes and Patricia Holland were, “this cannot happen again”.
Under Evolucion’s care Paty did not
deteriorate overnight, it took seven months. Silvia Cortes, Patricia Holland
and the volunteers of Evolucion made a conscious decision to look the other
way. They made a conscious choice to ignore her suffering. We are certain she
would not have survived had I not found her that day at Evolucion. She would
have died a sick, painful, stressful, sad and lonely death.
Jan.22, 2014. The day Paty was rescued from Evolucion |
Evolucion has committed to care
for until they are adopted or die natural deaths (excerpt from Evolucion AC
(English) Dec 14, 2015, 4:46pm FaceBook post)
Is this the “natural” death
Paty could have suffered?
In our home today she is a happy,
healthy and loyal 38 pounds.
Paty today |
A little history:
In October 2010 we fully funded the building of a bodega to store the
dog food on the grounds of Evolucion, at a cost of $1800 US. At our urging,
family members also made contributions.
All I can say is ‘wow!’. Your generosity along with that of Ty and Sara has
been amazing. Through your
contributions we have been able to substantially improve the kennels and create
a storage facility to house medical supplies and the 23+ bags of dog food that
are delivered weekly
to our sanctuary.
(excerpt received by email
from Linda Letcher on behalf of Evolucion, dated 12/12/2010)
Subject: Thanks a lot!
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012
22:35:30 +0000
Dear Sara the dewormers were
bought today and we already have them in the shelter. I simply have no words to
let you know how much I appreciate this and what a great help this is, we can
deworm all our dogs in all their areas at the same time which means an optimus
result in the shelter. Thank you, thank you so much, your help has meant a lot
of improvments in our dogs life.
(Excerpt email received from
Silvia Cortes)
Twice we paid
to deworm the 180 dogs at Evolucion at a cost of $900US. We also made monthly
donations of $100 per month online.
Subject: RE: Second Spay and
Neuter Clinic in Uman
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014
10:56:07 -0600
Hello Patricia / Silvia,
At this time Amigos de Rico
would like to grant 15,000.00 pesos to each of the 2 upcoming Uman clinics (30,000 mxp total). This of
course is in addition to the 100.00 usd monthly donation to Evolucion from
Rico. (excerpt from email to Evolucion, 10 days before I rescued Paty)
We also donated $10,000MXP to complete the construction of the
quarantine building.
I could go on as many more cash donations were made as
well. Please do not misunderstand our public disclosure of contributions as
boasting, I have only included this information to make it clear that in the
past we have been avid supporters of Evolucion and have a long history with
Silvia Cortes, Patricia Holland and Evolucion.
Some of our
friends and fellow expats have completed successful adoptions and have positive volunteer stories. Our
concern and the concern of many is the
inability, due to philosophy, to control the number of dogs in Evolucion. The
dogs who require care beyond Evolucion’s capabilities, dogs whose health is compromised when professional advice is not heeded, dogs
who do not receive proper medical care, dogs who are warehoused off site, dogs
hidden in rooms such as Paty, which a casual volunteer might never see, and
dogs who in the past, Silvia and Evolucion have not responded to with effective
Neglect and suffering is the direct result of housing
more dogs than a shelter can adequately care for.
It is not
just the dogs who suffer when an organization neglects dogs to the point Rico
and Paty were neglected. People suffer! Children who visit Evolucion and see
the overcrowded conditions, and the dogs who go untreated may come to believe
this treatment of animals is acceptable. The veterinarians suffer while walking
a line of commerce and empathy. Silvia suffers, and the volunteers suffer. Is
it possible loyalty to the organization takes precedence over the welfare of
the animals under their care? The culture of Yucatan suffers as the
organization offering education for proper animal care is guilty of the offenses
they teach against. And we, as an expat community suffer, when we stand
divided, when standing together we would be more effective. Ty and I have
suffered the anger, the grief and the hopelessness of Rico. We suffered the
anger, and senselessness in Paty’s
neglect. We have suffered the guilt of not demanding justice for Paty.
Finding a solution to this ongoing problem is
difficult, we have had two meetings with the leaders of Evolution and yet the
problems and ineffective policies continue at the expense of some dogs in their
I believe as a community we all truly want to find a
solution. As an organization who exists solely on donations. We should ask for
public transparency from Evolucion with their financial and medical records. We
should ask for public disclosure of off site foster homes and dog warehouses.
We should ask for new and effective policies to be implemented. The donors
should require enforcement of these policies. Money speaks loudly. In January
2014, we and Amigos de Rico withdrew future financial contributions and no
longer support Evolucion or Silvia Cortes in good faith until effective
policies are instituted and enforced. Amigos de Rico did complete our
commitment for the spay and neuter clinics.
The government provides no support to the shelter and
does not have any effective programmes themselves to deal with the issue. That
leaves the shelter to rely 100% on private donations and on volunteer workers.
The shelter was founded on the philosophy of respect for all life - giving all
beings the chance to heal, be rehabilitated and live happy, peaceful lives. The
goal is to maintain this philosophy (excerpt from Evolucion AC (English) Face
Book post Dec 14, 2015 4:46pm)
The above philosophy did not hold true for Rico or
Signs that an animal has been abused
as outlined by the Human Society and ASPCA:
*Inability to provide even minimal
standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter and veterinary care. (Paty)
*Open wounds, ongoing injury or
illness that is not being treated, lack of veterinary care (Paty and Rico)
*Extreme thinness or emaciation, bones
may be visible. (Paty and Rico)
*Patches of bumpy, scaly skin rashes.
*Signs of inadequate grooming. (Paty
and Rico)
*Heavy discharge from the eyes or nose
*Visible signs of confusion or extreme
drowsiness. (Paty)
*Animals housed in crowded conditions.
(Paty and Rico)
*Animal is kept in an area littered
with feces and urine (Rico)
*More animals than can be properly
cared for (Paty and Rico)
Sadly, Rico and Paty suffered neglect to the point of abuse in the hands
of an organization who should have been their advocate. We were committed with
financial contributions and Evolucion did not act responsibly and have not
been transparent and accountable. The issue for us is trust.
I ask you, if we are just one family who
happened upon not one, but two dogs who were improperly cared for by Evolucion,
how many others do we know nothing about?
Ty and Sara Bateman